How to better combine the chassis cabinets


Regarding the combination of the chassis and cabinets, […]

Regarding the combination of the chassis and cabinets, it is necessary to carry out the overall sheet metal processing combination according to its specific conditions, and then exert more effects from the structure and skills. Regarding the sheet metal chassis cabinet, there are multiple methods in the process of sheet metal processing and assembly, and simple operations are also carried out.

1. In order to ensure better use of sheet metal chassis and cabinets, the two methods can be combined for sheet metal processing, so that the benefits of the two methods can be combined for the connection of chassis and cabinets, and then the occurrence of defects can be reduced. The fully assembled type is another way to connect the chassis and cabinets. This method has certain advantages in terms of spraying and maintenance of parts, but there are certain defects in the rigidity and strength of the chassis and cabinets.

2. The welding method is one of the ways to combine the chassis and cabinets, and this method is to use the corresponding columns, beams, etc. for the corresponding connection, and this method can better ensure the welding rigidity and advantages of the chassis and cabinets. However, relatively speaking, the welding volume is too large, and the simple composition exceeds the adjustment plan.

Good performance in sheet metal processing and welding skills

In the overall process of the sheet metal processing of the chassis and cabinets, there will be the use of welding technology, and the unevenness of the welding skills shows the indispensability of the power cabinet. When the processing of the power cabinet reaches a certain level, it can be installed and checked. For the quality inspection of the power cabinet, it is also necessary to ensure that the basic data of the equipment is consistent with the drawing data provided by the customer. In addition, there will be certain faults in the process of processing power cabinets, but the faults must be ensured within a certain plan.

Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and cautious in the process of quality inspection of the power cabinet cabinet; therefore, in the process of sheet metal processing and welding of the cabinet cabinet sheet metal processing, we must strictly comply with the drawing requirements and ensure the support between the beams and plates. Make sure that there are certain requirements regarding the welding sequence, for example, from top to bottom. In the process of processing the power cabinet, we will build the whole according to the corresponding technical parameters, but to ensure the production function of the power cabinet, we need to start from the details.